Using Workflows in Dubsado

Using Workflows in Dubsado

Regular price $15.00
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This class, from a Certified Dubsado Specialist, will cover all you need to know about setting up a Dubsado Workflow. We hope that you’ve already got some Dubsado knowledge, or if not, you can check out the first part of this series, Using Dubsado as a Stationery Designer for Project Management. It’s a great intro into getting everything where you need it to be before creating your workflows! This class will cover the next step - how you put forms, questionnaires, and other processes into what’s called a workflow which will automate everything for you. This takes all the individual work out of your Dubsado projects, and is where the real magic happens with this client management system. 

By the end of this class, you’ll be able to create your first simple workflow, and we’ll teach you how to map out your process flow to find all of those tasks that you can automate. You’ll use these skills to save time, save money, and overall be more efficient and professional.